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Real-Time Personnel Tracking Edge: Revolutionizing Smart Management in the Logistics Industry

2024 年 12 月 17 日

In the logistics industry, managing personnel in warehouses and distribution centers has been a long-standing challenge. With large warehouse spaces and frequent personnel movement, traditional management methods fail to provide real-time insights into employee locations and work statuses. This can lead to:

1. Low Work Efficiency: Difficulty in quickly locating specific employees or coordinating task assignments.

2. Safety Risks: Employees may enter restricted areas or face accidents without timely detection.

3. Lack of Transparency: Managers struggle to evaluate employee performance and behavior due to the absence of real-time data.


By deploying the “Real-Time Personnel Tracking Edge” solution, logistics companies can effectively address personnel management challenges:

1. Real-Time Location Tracking: The device uses edge computing technology to process data locally, providing real-time tracking of each employee’s location.

2. Behavior Analysis: Intelligent algorithms detect if employees enter restricted areas or linger in non-work zones for extended periods.

3. Task Optimization: Managers can view employee distribution through a visual interface, quickly assign tasks, and avoid resource waste.

4. Safety Monitoring: The system automatically detects abnormal behaviors and sends alerts to ensure employee safety.

Case Study:

A large logistics warehouse implemented the “Real-Time Personnel Tracking Edge” solution and achieved a location accuracy of within 1 meter. Managers optimized task allocation using real-time data, increasing cargo handling efficiency by 30%. Simultaneously, the system reduced the frequency of employees entering hazardous areas, significantly lowering accident rates.

Project Results

1. Increased Efficiency: Cargo handling efficiency improved by 30%, with more precise task allocation.
2. Enhanced Safety: Reduced employee accident rates by 40%.
3. Transparent Management: Real-time data enabled managers to gain comprehensive insights into employee dynamics.
4. Cost Optimization: Minimized additional costs caused by inefficiency or safety incidents.


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